Donate to Room to Read

Donate to Room to Read

Potential is equally distributed. Opportunity is not.

Education is a human right, yet millions of children in historically low-income communities worldwide face immense barriers to learning.

Your donation will improve access to quality education and help children build the foundational literacy and life skills they need to create a better tomorrow.




A world of educated children starts with you.

$25 can fill a library shelf with 25 quality local-language children’s books for young readers. Give this amount >>

$50 can help a child learn to read and write by funding a full year in our Literacy Program. Give this amount >>

$250 can support a girl through a year of secondary school, including mentoring, life skills classes, family engagement, and funds for tuition, uniforms, books, or safe transport to school. Give this amount >>

“I have struggled for 30 years to teach reading. In 2022, our school partnered with Room to Read. They trained us on how to teach using the five components of reading. Since then, all my learners are able to read and write, and one of my students won a provincial reading competition. Thank you, Room to Read, for your support.”

Josephina in South Africa Grade 1 Teacher

25 years advancing literacy and gender equality around the world

Together, we have

“Room to Read brightened my life in every possible way. I probably wouldn’t have completed school had it not been for the Girls’ Education Program. They stayed with me throughout all my difficulties. The life skills I learned helped me get a skilled job rather than working for low wages. Not only do I support myself and my family today, but I also get a chance to change the lives of more girls like me.”

Chamodi in Sri Lanka a Room to Read Girls’ Education Program Alumna who now mentors other girls in her community as a Room to Read social mobilizer

Help us benefit more children, more quickly.


$1,000 can deliver coaching and professional development for four educators, enabling teachers to excel in some of the most challenging contexts and creating a ripple effect of better learning outcomes for years to come.

$2,500 can provide Literacy Learning packages for an entire school, including workbooks, posters, supplies, library management manuals and reading activity guides. These comprehensive resources help teachers deliver effective, engaging lessons and ensure that every child has what they need to succeed. 

$7,500 can establish a new school library stocked with vibrant, locally authored books in students’ native languages, plus supplementary curriculum and training for teachers and librarians.

$25,000 can fund the full implementation of our Literacy Program in one school, including:  

  • Specialized teacher training to revolutionize literacy instruction 
  • A vibrant library filled with hundreds of engaging children’s books
  • Learning materials for every student
  • Community events promoting writing beyond the classroom
  • Ongoing monitoring to ensure lasting impact 


$5,000 can train 20 local women mentors, equipping them to support adolescent girls by:  

  • Monitoring risk factors associated with dropping out of school 
  • Addressing challenges girls face at home
  • Teaching life skills that help girls succeed in school, exercise agency and make informed life choices

$10,000 can support 40 girls in our Girls’ Education Program, helping them stay in school, discover their own strength and advocate for themselves, through: 

  • Classes on life skills such as leadership, financial literacy and reproductive health
  • Individualized support and guidance from a trained mentor in her community
  • Family and community engagement to foster a supportive environment
  • Support for tuition, uniforms, books, supplies, and transportation to school 



In addition to online credit card donations, we are happy to accept gifts through a variety of methods, including PayPal, stock, wire transfer, donor-advised funds, cryptocurrency, planned giving and more. Click here for more information on all the ways to give.

If you have questions on how you can support our work, please email We'd love to connect you with a member of our team. Or you can take a look at our FAQs.

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