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Making room for learning, one book at a time

Room to Read Tanzania opens new libraries in Mkuranga District Council | November 11, 2023

Skill building Delivery structures Tanzania

Our Literacy Program team in Tanzania established 35 new classroom libraries across Mkuranga District Council in recent months, distributing more than 57,300 books — both fiction and nonfiction — and training more than 300 teachers and government officials in library management and program delivery.

These new libraries, adapted from Room to Read’s library model and designed to fit within individual classrooms, will ensure that more than 73,900 children have access to quality, developmentally appropriate reading material, trained educators and a welcoming, child-friendly learning space in which they can experience the joy of reading. 


Left: District Adult Education Officer Regina Masyole, representing the Mkuranga District Executive Director, stands alongside primary school educators to launch a new classroom library in a Room to Read Literacy Program school in Mkuranga District Council, Tanzania. 

Right: Primary school educators present Room to Read's book leveling system — a guide to categorizing books based on the difficulty of the text — and explain its importance in building strong literacy skills to local government officials at the launching of a new classroom library.

Primary school teacher Zuhura Mwanjasi presents the classroom library book care guidelines to local government officials and Room to Read staff at Room to Read Tanzania's International Literacy Day celebrations in Mkuranga District Council. 


Top row, above: primary school students enjoy a read-aloud with their teacher in a Room to Read classroom library in Tanzania. 

Bottom row, above: primary school students enjoy independent reading time with books of their choosing in a Room to Read classroom library in Tanzania. 


Help Room to Read continue to make room for children to learn — in Tanzania and around the world.