Educator training and coaching Cambodia

Training Teachers to Overcome Barriers to Literacy in Cambodia

This week we celebrate World Teachers' Day!

Effective teachers are an essential part of an effective education, but many passionate teachers lack the resources and skills they need to succeed.

That's why Room to Read invests in teachers in places like Cambodia where teachers face particular challenges in helping children achieve basic literacy skills. Khmer is one of the most difficult languages in the world, and after the Khmer Rouge persecuted teachers, there was a devastating shortage of qualified teachers.

However, the students of the teachers we trained in Cambodia made more than twice as much progress in their reading fluency by the end of the 2nd grade. Training one teacher to be effective in the classroom amounts to a whole classroom of benefited children year after year. That's why investing in teachers is always a great investment!

Learn more about work in Cambodia and about the teacher training aspect of our Literacy Program.