Donations in Swiss Francs
For all donations made to one of our bank accounts in Switzerland, you will receive a Swiss receipt. You could make a donation to our Switzerland accounts in CHF or USD as follows:
Switzerland bank account in CHF
Beneficiary: Verein Room to Read – Schweiz │ C/o Bruppacher Anderes KIG │ Dufourstrasse 58 │ 8702 Zollikon │ Switzerland
IBAN: CH54 0483 5146 8487 4100 0
Bank: Credit Suisse AG │ Dufourstrasse 58 │ 8702 Zollikon
Reference: Your name, address, and email
Switzerland bank account in USD
Beneficiary: Association Room to Read Switzerland │ C/o Bruppacher Anderes KIG │ Dufourstrasse 58 │ 8702 Zollikon │ Switzerland
IBAN: CH09 0483 5146 8487 4200 4
Bank: Credit Suisse AG │ Dufourstrasse 58 │ 8702 Zollikon
Reference: Your name, address, and email
Donations in Euros
For all donations in Euros, you could use our bank account in The Netherlands. You will receive a US receipt for your contribution to our work through our Dutch bank account. In case you prefer a local receipt for your donation in Euros, we recommend using our Transnational Giving Europe partner network. About TGE - Transnational Giving Europe
The Netherlands bank account in Euro
Beneficiary: Room to Read
IBAN: NL11 BOFA 0266 5040 19
Bank: Bank of America │ Herengracht 469 │ 1017 BS Amsterdam │ The Netherlands
Reference: Your name, address, and email
Other donations
You could also donate to our USD bank account in the USA. You will receive a US receipt for your contribution in USD to our USA bank account.
Beneficiary: Room to Read
Bank: Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Account Number: 485008269099
ABA#: 0260-0959-3 / CH#: 323070380
Swift: BOFAUS3N / Bank Routing #:0260-0959-3
Reference: Your name, address, and email
You may make an online donation using our PayPal donation page. This method requires you to have an existing PayPal account or create a new one as part of the donation process. Donations can be made in US or Canadian Dollars, British Pounds, Euros, or Japanese Yen. Please note: all PayPal donations are processed through our Global Office in the United States, so we will provide a US tax receipt for donations made via PayPal.